Enrichment Programs

Ornitherapy - The Science Behind the Benefits of Birdwatching

Recent scientific studies have shown that when people push pause on the busyness of life to watch the birds outside, even for just a few minutes, there are positive chemical reactions that happen inside the body: blood pressure lowers, mood improves, production of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline reduce, anxiety is alleviated, and symptoms of depression are mitigated. How does this happen? This one-hour, educational talk will look at insights from these scientific studies as well as personal stories about how watching birds has helped a variety of people to connect with nature and improved their quality of life. Laurel Zoet, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited of Brighton will also share her own testimony of how feeding the birds helped to save her during her darkest hour.

Site: Oceola Community Center, 1661 N. Latson Rd.
Cost: $8 (Resident) / $10 (Non-Resident)

Wednesday, October 23rd
7:00pm -8:00pm