
The Deep Dive - Social Security & Medicare Workshop
(Ages 53+)

This series is designed for investors 55+ who are preparing for retirement and have questions about these two hot topics, Social Security and paying for healthcare once they are retired. This is workshop style so attendees are

encouraged to come with questions. Ages 53+ (if you’re attending as a couple, only one must meet the age requirement).

Some items we will discuss across both workshops include:

  • Benefits of Social Security

  • When should I start taking Social Security?

  • What about taxes?

  • Health care and your retirement

  • Preparing for long-term care expenses

  • Pre-Medicare checklist

  • The importance of a well-diversified financial plan.

Site: Oceola Community Center, 1661 N. Latson Rd.
Cost: FREE

Thursday, August 22nd

Tips for Smart College Saving (18+)

Want to learn more about how to get started saving for college for your kids/grandkids? If so, this workshop is for you!

Some items we will discuss across both workshops include:

  • Questions to consider as you establish a college savings goal

  • Savings strategies to help you reach your goal

  • Features and benefits of 529 college savings plans

Site: Oceola Community Center, 1661 N. Latson Rd.
Cost: $8 (Resident) / $10 (Non-Resident)

Tuesday, September 24th

Foundations of Investing - Workshop Series (19+)

Whether you are new to investing or need a refresher, this three-part series is sure to deepen your knowledge of

investing. Some things participants will learn are the impact of asset allocation and diversification, ways to sharpen their spending and saving strategies, how to set SMART financial goals, tips for controlling debt/improving credit scores and much more.

Be sure to come with your questions for a fun evening of interesting discussion and learning.

Couples are highly encouraged to attend together.

Site: Oceola Community Center, 1661 N. Latson Rd.
Cost: FREE

Tuesday, October 22nd